Tuesday, June 9, 2009

WTF Is This? I Dunno, But I Stole It.

Last weekend, I stole this from my friends' Jack and Monty's apartment:

Jack claimed it is a bar tool to cut limes on, but I think it just looks like a hippopotamus. I am not worried about Jack and Monty discovering that I looted their place -- they don't read this blog, and I plan to return it to one of them as a birthday present someday. But really, I don't get the lime thing. So I'm trying to think of other uses in my own apartment:

I can remember reading My Book of Bible Stories, a Jehovah's Witness Bible given to me as a gift when I was five and it instantly became my favorite book. My favorite illustration was one of the Egyptian Pharoah sleeping as Joseph sat to the side and interpreted his dreams. The Pharoah slept on not a pillow, but an ornate, uncomfortable looking box-like structure, much like the wooden hippopotamus. So I was sort of hopeful that it would be some sort of dream interpreter or something. But no.

It's also not a head massager, in case you were wondering.

So far, the most likely possibility is that it is a stage for my Iced Animal Cookies Vs. JuJyfruit battles. (Although outnumbered, the Iced Animal Cookies always win.)

Ummm... can anyone think of anything else? If your suggestions do not involve nudity, I will act them out and post pictures of me doing them.

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