Thursday, April 16, 2009

"You Got It, Baby Village People"

In the midst of all of the tea-bagging, tea parties, and "Obama Bin-Lyin" bashing as of late, I think America has really lost sight of what is important about Tax Day: kids in ironic and borderline racist costumes. Thank goodness some parents have the sense not only to dress their kid up as a good ol' fashioned injin chief, but also to allow their children to make an informed decision about taxes.

Point being, the VH1 franchise "Best Week Ever" compiled a list of The 14 Catchiest Tax Day Protest Signs, just in case you couldn't make all the tea parties in your area. My personal favorites? #13. Stimulate Not Business Government and #6. Don't Tread on Me (is this even relevant?).

Things to take away from Tax Day 2009: stay out of this lil' injin's piggy bank. Seriously.


  1. wait, what are they protesting, exactly? babies getting speared to death? word, i hate that too. Democrats are much better sign makers. Best sign ever here -->

  2. the woman holding the "stimulate not business government" is using a machine to breathe.

