I love the Bible because it's such a human book, more of history of the first Christians, if you ask me, than an account of actual events. I love how every. single. word. is deliberate and rich with meaning, and has evolved along with the Christians who were writing it. As Bart D. Ehrman points out in Misquoting Jesus, it has been edited, falsely copied, reconstructed, deleted and re-written, mistranslated, lost, found, etcetera, which makes the entire Bible one huge mystery that tells us more about the authors than the subjects of the stories. We can't accept it as the literal Word of God.
That's why I got a huge kick out of the Brick Testament. Brendan Powell Smith has spent years creating Bible Stories with Legos. To me, this is just another step in the evolution of the Bible. For thousands of years, people have picked it up and and read it, spoken it, listened to it, acted it out, drew it, sculpted it, and interpreted it in many ways. I hope that process never, ever ends.
Ehrman's book was pretty good. Even if you agree that the Bible was written by humans (which is a surprisingly low percengate of people), you will be surprised to read about the actual history of how these words became published, and how it is impossible to argue that they are the inerrant words of God. Ehrman breaks down the history of the Gospels and letters of the New Testament so we see (and this is why I love the New Testament so much-->) that the New Testament is a primary source history of the first Christians. We're learning much more about them than Jesus Christ.
Also, this book is pretty basic, so even if you don't know shit about the Bible, you can get through this book and enjoy every page.
i absolutely adore the brick testament!!