Thursday, May 21, 2009

This Is Embarrassing

I don't watch The Today Show that much, but I was always under the impression that Ann Curry was the serious, newsy one of the kooky bunch. You know, sort of like how Matt is the lame one who gets attacked by deer (which I am still suspicious about), and Al is the goofy, enthusiastic Santa Clause one full of awesome zingers.

But what is this shit? Journalism? Ann giggles like a school girl, slings empty (awkwardly unwanted) compliments at Brad, and addresses his appearance and sex appeal instead of his work, which is clearly what he wanted to talk about. If this is the criteria for a good interview, why spend all that money paying for Ann Curry's salary? Couldn't they just get some 12-year-old to do it? A 12-year-old would pay to interview Brad Pitt, and the interview would be probably the same, possibly better. So The Today Show could make money and Ann Curry would be left to get a job selling Auntie Anne pretzels at the mall or babysitting the kids down the street, which maybe she'd be better at.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to buy an Auntie Anne's pretzel from Ann Curry and she touched my face and told me I was sexy.
