Tuesday, May 19, 2009

13 Things I've Learned in Hip-Hop Class

  1. Hip-hop is not happy ("look tired and hungry").
  2. Mirrrr is "mirror"; flo is "floor".
  3. Embarrassing/awkward situation will ensue when asked post-funeral by your family members, "show us what you've learned in hip hop class".
  4. "Havin' two chicks is better than no chicks," according to Dirty Ray Lavander. (This kicks ass. Watch it.)
  5. Some of your favorite moves (flying gun hands, twisting) are, according to Instructor Bev, "not cute."
  6. Just because you have more lungs doesn't mean you are a better dancer. For example, Instructor Bev has: 1 and I have: 2.
  7. I actually can touch my toes but it fucking hurts.
  8. Dropping it like it's hot is actually harder than it looks.
  9. It doesn't matter if you're actually doing the moves right, as long as you are doing them wildly, sharply, quickly, and with enthusiasm, you will look okay.
  10. When Instructor Bev said that a command to "freestyle" meant to do anything, she did not mean it was okay to start doing the Charleston with Eric.
  11. If you use your brain at all while you are dancing hip-hop you look autistic.
  12. Nobody will ask for your number if you're dancing and don't bob your head while you dance or if you smile too much.
  13. Eric will throw you under the bus (if, say, he gets called to the very front of the class for actually nailing the moves, and drags you with him because you are partners).

1 comment:

  1. 14. Lauren will talk about how "bad" she is, when actually she rocks. Everyone thinks so.

    15. You'll know you've made it in Hip Hop when every time you leave Bev says, "Work it out, boo."
