- Fly kites
- Write poems
- Read and sing to old people at a retirement home
- Go huntin' with Junior
- Beg for spare change and loosie cigarettes in front of Penn Station
- Offer bike taxi rides at Central Park, but just with regular bikes so people have to sit on the handlebars. It's NYC, someone will take us up on it.
- Create our own performance art in Bryant Park that involves us punching each other in the stomach. You friends can take shifts. People must be punchees if they punch (one simple damn rule).
- Sell chicklets and Padre Pio key chains in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral
- Re-enact famous movie scenes in Greenwhich Village (because I think beatniks would like this).
- Camp out overnight in Central Park along side a road, and heat up a can of beans on the fire 'cause: My daddy tole me, look here Mac the best friend you'll have is a railroad track. So when I's 13, I said I'm rollin my own, and I am leavin and never comin home. And I'm lost, I'm lost at the bottom of the world. Sittin by the fire with a busted nose. The moon's the color of a coffee stain, and I'm lost, I'm lost at the bottom of the world.
And when people come to stay with me in
So I guess what I'm saying is, if you want to visit me, you've been warned. (And you may want to brush up on your twisting style.) And I'm also on the hunt for anyone willing to participate in my dad's punching-eachother-in-the-stomach performance art. Let me know if you're interested.
I am literally reading to old folks in a nursing home tomorrow. Coincidence?
ReplyDeleteI also feel pretty good about the punching-performance art.
Hmm, I feel as though punching-performance art could be a good stress reliever ...can we punch and run away as to avoid being punched?
ReplyDeleteThat pre-visit list looks nothing like the one I made for us. I still think I had a good visit.