My friend wrote this hilarious round up of the 9 Most Racist Disney Characters. I don't think we can get mad at Disney for these inappropriate representations of minorities, but we can LAUGH at them now, and the fact that they slipped through the cracks, because come on, life is funny. I thought about blogging about this at work, wondering how moms might tell their kids while watching Dumbo, "now hunny, not all black people are unemployed and unable to speak in grammatically correct sentences," but then I realized it is not necessary to point this out to children. Nobody explained it to me, and I turned out fine. I didn't even pick up on it, at the time. Was I just stupid? Could this be damaging to children in any way?
The last, and most hilarious character mentioned is actually The Mouse Himself -- but I think it's wrong to label poor Mickey a racist. He really is just kind of dumb.
"Let me see. A genuine African native," Mickey murmured. "Perhaps I should start showing him off."
Stop embarrassing yourself, Mickey.
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