At work I see a. lot. of. babies. Here are some cutie pies I stumbled upon. So take a look, oo and aah, get all cutsie-wutsie or whatever -- get it out of your system -- and don't do it again until the next time I post a Baby-Sugar-Fix (at least in public.)
There are a few rules, of course. The following things are prohibited:1. No spitting up babies, or babies that appear to be ill.
2. No babies with shit all over their faces. (Moms always think this is so cute. ?)
3. No strollers. Sorry -- I don't like strollers.
4. I love buttcheeks way more than anyone else I know, but I do not want to see baby buttcheeks in this manner. Just, no.
5. No babies that are going through that alien period they all go through (newborns).
I will probably add to this list later, and if you can think of any, let me know. Until then, enjoy these smoochie pies.
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